
Frequently Asked Questions

We offer a range of IT services, including website development, marketing and lead generation, designing and 3D modeling, customer service and virtual assistant, software and AI development, and business consultation.
The cost of our services depends on the specific project requirements. We provide custom quotes based on the scope of work, timelines, and other project details. We strive to provide competitive pricing while delivering high-quality services. 
The timeline for a project depends on the scope of work and the complexity of the project. We provide estimated timelines for each project based on the requirements. We work diligently to complete projects within the agreed timelines without compromising on quality.
We have a rigorous quality assurance process that ensures the highest quality of work for our clients. Our team of experienced professionals follows industry best practices and standards to deliver quality work. We also conduct regular training and development programs to keep our team updated with the latest technologies and trends in the industry.
Yes, we can work with your existing IT team. We can collaborate and work together with your team to achieve your business goals. Our team can provide support and expertise in specific areas of IT to complement your existing team’s skills.
The HumanBots serve various industries, including healthcare, finance and banking, entertainment and leisure, e-commerce, education, and more. We have a diverse portfolio of clients from different industries, which gives us the experience and expertise to serve clients from different sectors.
The HumanBots serve various industries, including healthcare, finance and banking, entertainment and leisure, e-commerce, education, and more. We have a diverse portfolio of clients from different industries, which gives us the experience and expertise to serve clients from different sectors.
We at HumanBots, have a clear communication process with our clients to ensure transparency and clarity throughout the project. We assign a dedicated project manager for each project who is responsible for communicating with the client and providing regular project updates. We use various communication tools such as email, phone, and video conferencing to ensure effective communication.
The HumanBots
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.